I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Penn State. My current research focuses on imperfect competition in health care markets.
Research Interests:
Industrial Organization, Health Care, and Applied Microeconomics
Contact Information:
505 Kern Building
University Park, PA 16802
conor.ryan [at] psu.edu
Working Papers
How does Insurance Competition Affect Medical Consumption? (Revisions Requested at International Economic Review)
Mergers in the Presence of Adverse Selection (Conditionally Accepted at RAND Journal of Economics)
A Tractable Income Process for Business Cycle Analysis (with Fatih Guvenen & Alisdair McKay)
The Role of Information in Pharmaceutical Advertising: Theory and Evidence (with Kelli Marquardt) (Revisions Requested at Review of Economics and Statistics)
Sources of Inertia in Health Plan Choice in the Individual Health Insurance Market (with Coleman Drake and Bryan Dowd), Journal of Public Economics, 208, 2022: 10462
The Demand for Individual Insurance: Evidence from a Private Online Marketplace (with Roger Feldman and Stephen Parente), American Journal of Health Economics, 8(2), 2022: 275-299
Upward Pricing Pressure as a Predictor of Merger Price Effects (with Nathan Miller, Marc Remer, and Gloria Sheu), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 52, 2017: 216-247
Pass-Through and the Prediction of Merger Price Effects (with Nathan Miller, Marc Remer, and Gloria Sheu), Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(4) 201, 2016: 683-709.